448 Maple Street Myrtle Point, OR 97458
It is our desire to reach ALL of Myrtle point and surrounding areas
with the gospel message.
We can accomplish this by your prayers and financial support.
Thank you in advance for you support and
may God richly bless you and your home.
Tithe The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. Beyond the tithe By definition, a tithe is 10% of our gross income returned to God and offerings are amounts we give in excess of that. A great example of a biblical offering is described by the Apostle Paul when he was collecting an offering from the Corinthian church to be taken to Jerusalem to support those in need there (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; 9:5-15). This would be akin to a modern-day church taking up a special offering for benevolence, to provide for the poor or individuals with particular needs. While tithing refers to a set percentage of our income, offerings have no numeric limit. Paul only advises that they be given with generosity and cheerfulness
Thinking about getting involved in your church? We can always use volunteers. At VCC we are ONE body working together in our individual gifting‘s and ministries to accomplish our mission in equipping people (both young and old). We are the body of Christ. You can help by joining the team
Donations are always needed and appreciated as well.